Subcommittee Hearing: Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Legislative Hearing

Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Time: 02:00 PM

WHAT: Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation Legislative Hearing on:

  • H.R. 863 (C. Maloney), To establish the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Women's History Museum, and for other purposes. “Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Women's History Museum Act of 2013”
  • H.R. 3006 (Calvert), To authorize a land exchange involving the acquisition of private land adjacent to the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona for inclusion in the refuge in exchange for certain Bureau of Land Management lands in Riverside County, California, and for other purposes.
  • H.R. 4017 (Heck), To designate a peak located in Nevada as "Mount Reagan."
  • H.R. 4120 (Hoyer), To amend the National Law Enforcement Museum Act to extend the termination date.
  • H.R. 4253 (Bishop), To permanently withdraw, reserve, and transfer Bureau of Land Management lands used for military purposes in Alaska, Nevada, and New Mexico to the appropriate Secretary of the military department concerned.

WHERE: 1334 Longworth House Office Building, US Capitol Complex, Washington DC
WHEN: 2PM, Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Panel I

Honorable Marsha Blackburn
Member of Congress

Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney
Member of Congress

Honorable Steny H. Hoyer
Member of Congress

Panel II

Mr. Ned Farquhar
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of the Interior
(H.R. 3006, HR 4017 and H.R. 4253)

Mr. Bob Vogel
Superintendent, National Mall and Memorial Parks
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
(H.R. 4120 and HR 863)

Mr. Craig W. Floyd
Chairman and C.E.O
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
(H.R. 4120)

Ms. Joan Wages
President and C.E.O
National Women’s History Museum, Inc.
(H.R. 863)