Oversight Hearing: Hearing on Exploring Current Natural Resource Research Efforts and the Future of America's Land-Grant Colleges and Universities
On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., in Room 1334 Longworth House Office Building, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held an oversight hearing entitled “Exploring Current Natural Resource Research Efforts and the Future of America’s Land-Grant Colleges and Universities.”
Mr. Shane Burgess
DeanCollege of Agriculture and Life SciencesUniversity of Arizona , Tuscon, AZ
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Burgess
Ms. Jody Jellison
DirectorCollege of Agriculture, Food and the Environment; Massachusetts Agriculture Experiment StationUniversity of Massachusetts Extension , Amherst, MA
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMs. Jellison
Mr. Chris Luecke
DeanQuinney College of Natural ResourcesUtah State University , Logan, UT
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Luecke
Mr. Barry Perryman
Professor of Rangeland EcologyCollege of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural ResourcesUniversity of Nevada-Reno , Reno, NV
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Perryman