Subcommittee Hearing: NPFPL Legislative Hearing

Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Longworth House Office Building 1324 Presiding: The Hon. Debra Haaland

On Wednesday, July 10, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands (NPFPL) will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:

  • H.R. 252 (Rep. Amodei), To promote conservation, improved public land management, and provide for sensible development in Pershing County, Nevada, and for other purposes. “Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act”
  • H.R. 1475 (Rep. Stauber), To create a publicly available lottery system for permits for the use of motorized or nonmotorized boats in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, and for other purposes. “LOTTERY Act”
  • H.R. 2199 (Rep. Carbajal), To designate certain Federal land in the State of California as wilderness, and for other purposes. “Central Coast Heritage Protection Act”
  • H.R. 2215 (Rep. Chu), To establish as a unit of the National Park System the San Gabriel National Recreation Area in the State of California, and for other purposes. “San Gabriel Mountains Foothills and Rivers Protection Act”
  • H.R. 2250 (Rep. Huffman), To provide for restoration, economic development, recreation, and conservation on Federal lands in Northern California, and for other purposes. “Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act”
  • H.R. 2546 (Rep. DeGette), To designate certain lands in the State of Colorado as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System, and for other purposes. “Colorado Wilderness Act of 2019”
  • H.R. 2642 (Rep. Kilmer), To designate and expand wilderness areas in Olympic National Forest in the State of Washington, and to designate certain rivers in Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park as wild and scenic rivers, and for other purposes. “Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act”

Panel I 

Rep. Derek Kilmer (H.R. 2642) (testimony)

Washington, 6th District 

Rep. Judy Chu (H.R. 2215) (testimony)

California, 27th District 

Rep. Salud Carbajal (H.R. 2199) (testimony)

California, 24th District 

Rep. Mark Amodei (H.R. 252) 

Nevada, 2nd District 

Rep. Pete Stauber (H.R. 1475) (testimony)

Minnesota, 8th District 

Rep. Diana DeGette (H.R. 2546) (testimony)

Colorado, 1st District 

Rep. Jared Huffman (H.R. 2250) (testimony)

California, 2nd District 

Panel II 

Mr. Frank Beum (All Bills) (testimony)

Acting Associated Deputy Chief 

National Forest System 

U.S. Forest Service 

Ms. Leah Baker (All Bills) (testimony)

Acting Assistant Director, Resources and Planning 

The Bureau of Land Management 

U.S. Department of the Interior 

Mr. Steve Bonowski (H.R. 2546) (testimony)

Colorado Board Member, Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship 

Board Member, Colorado Mountain Club Foundation 

The Hon. Keenan Ertel (H.R. 2546) (testimony)


Montezuma County Commission 

Mr. Roy Nott (H.R. 2642) (testimony)


LD Nott Company

Panel III 

Ms. Graciela Cabello (H.R. 2199) (testimony)

Director of Youth and Community Engagement 

Los Padres ForestWatch 

Mr. David Diaz (H.R. 2215) (testimony)

Executive Director 

Active San Gabriel Valley 

Mr. Kent Bruce Collard (H.R. 2250) (testimony)


Bar 717 Ranch/Camp Trinity 

The Hon. Keith Groves (H.R. 2250) (testimony)

District 1 Supervisor 

Trinity County Board of Supervisors