Legislative Hearing: Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5780
On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., in Room 1334 Longworth House Office Building, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a legislative hearing on H.R. 5780 (Rep. Rob Bishop), To provide greater conservation, recreation, economic development and local management of Federal lands in Utah, and for other purposes. “Utah Public Lands Initiative Act.”
Ms. Rebecca Benally
Commissioner, San Juan CountyMonticello, Utah
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMs. Benally
Mr. Clif Koontz
Program DirectorRide With RespectMoab, Utah
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Koontz
Mr. Neil Kornze
DirectorBureau of Land ManagementWashington, D.C.
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Neil Kornze
Ms. Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk
Co-ChairwomanBears Ears Inter-Tribal CoalitionTowaoc, Colorado
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMs. Lopez-Whiteskunk
Mr. Dave Ure
DirectorSchool and Institutional Trust Lands AdministrationSalt Lake City, Utah
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMr. Dave Ure
Ms. Leslie Weldon
Deputy Chief, National Forest SystemU.S. Forest ServiceU.S. Department of Agriculture , Washington, D.C.
- Adobe Acrobat DocumentMs. Weldon