Subcommittee Hearing: Subcommittee on Indian and Alaskan Native Affairs Legislative Hearing

Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Time: 02:00 PM

WHAT: Subcommittee on Indian and Alaskan Natives Affairs Legislative Hearing on:

  • H.R. 1600 (Grijalva), To prescribe procedures for effective consultation and coordination by Federal agencies with federally recognized Indian tribes regarding Federal Government activities that impact tribal lands and interests to ensure that meaningful tribal input is an integral part of the Federal decision making process. “Requirements, Expectations, and Standard Procedures for Executive Consultation with Tribes (RESPECT) Act”
  • H.R. 4668 (Young of AK), To provide for the retention and future use of certain land on Point Spencer in Alaska, to support the statutory missions and duties of the Coast Guard, to convey certain land on Point Spencer to the Bering Straits Native Corporation, to convey certain land on Point Spencer to the State of Alaska, and for other purposes. “Point Spencer Coast Guard and Public-Private Sector Infrastructure Development Facilitation and Land Conveyance Act”

WHERE: 1334 Longworth House Office Building, US Capitol Complex, Washington DC
WHEN: 2PM, Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Mr. Michael Black (H.R. 1600 & H.R. 4668)
Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
U.S. Department of the Interior

Ms. Gail R. Schubert (H.R. 4668)
President & CEO
Bering Straits Native Corporation

Mr. Kip Knudson (H.R. 4668)
Director of State/Federal Relations
Office of Governor Sean Parnell
State of Alaska

Mr. Michael J. Anderson (H.R. 1600)
Anderson Indian Law