
Committee passes bill to help economy in Trinity County

The Redwood Times
September 21, 2014

TRINITY COUNTY >> Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) announced that the House Natural Resources unanimously approved his bipartisan Trinity Land Exchange Act (H.R. 3326), which would help Trinity County's economy. Huffman's bill allows the Trinity Public Utilities District to exchange county land along the Trinity River for land adjacent to the Weaverville Airport, currently held by federal agencies. Today's vote was the last step before the full House of Representatives votes on the bill.

Trinity County has very little land suitable for economic development — approximately 80% of its land is held by the federal government—and much of it is difficult to access due to terrain or location. This land exchange would grant Trinity County a much-needed parcel accessible by highway and uniquely suited for economic development, allow improved public access to a Wild and Scenic River, and provide a fair return for federal taxpayers.

"I'm happy that the Natural Resources Committee passed this important bill to help Trinity County's economy," Huffman said. "Today's vote demonstrates bipartisan support for the shared priorities of economic development and environmental protection in Northern California."

The bill would allow the Utilities District to acquire 100 acres of Forest Service land for economic development purposes. The parcel is adjacent to the Weaverville Airport, roughly a mile outside Weaverville and easily accessible by Highway 3. In exchange, the Utilities District would transfer the 47-acre "Sky Ranch" parcel, which would allow for improved public access to the Trinity River for recreation. The bill would ensure that federal taxpayers receive fair compensation for the land.