Horsford continues to push for Yerington land bill
Robert Perea, Reno Gazzette Journal
December 10, 2013
Passage of the Yerington land bill currently before Congress remains a top priority, Congressman Steven Horsford said during a visit last week.
In Yerington to speak at the grand opening of the Pioneer Crossing Casino, Horsford on Friday said he and Congressman Mark Amodei continue to push hard for the passage of the Lyon County Economic Development and Conservation Act, which he introduced in the House of Representatives in February.
An identical bill has been introduced in the Senate by U.S. Sen. Dean Heller.
Horsford spoke about how important the bill is to Yerington and south Lyon County, saying it would bring 500 direct jobs and more indirect jobs and calling them good-paying job opportunities.
“I’m not satisfied until we get the legislation enacted,” Horsford said. “I know what it can do for creating jobs.”
The bill would allow the city of Yerington to acquire 10,400 acres of federal land east of Yerington now under the Bureau of Land Management. Nevada Copper would fund the acquisition, which would allow it to obtain permits through the state of Nevada instead of the BLM, allowing Nevada Copper to develop a larger mining operation, and sooner than if permits BLM permits were required.
The city would receive property and net proceeds tax from the land, while some of the land would be used for other economic development, recreation and community event facilities.
The bill also would designate the Wovoka Wilderness on approximately 48,000 acres in southern Lyon County.
The entire Nevada Congressional delegation has expressed support for the bill.
Horsford said he has spoken with Doc Hastings, the Chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources.
The bill currently is awaiting markup in the Natural Resources Committee, dependent upon all documentation being prepared for committee action by Wednesday.
“I expect to have a vote soon,” Horsford said. “As soon as it’s scheduled, I feel very confident. We have very strong bipartisan support to move the legislation.”
Horsford said he shares the sense of urgency that has been expressed by representatives of Nevada Copper and Mayor George Dini.
“I’m doing everything I can,” he said. “I won’t be satisfied until it is passed, until the transfer is done.”
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