
Valdez: Grand Canyon deserves a buffer

Let’s be clear: Creating a buffer around the Grand Canyon is not a federal land grab.

This is about adding protection to land around the park that is currently under federal control.

It is in Arizona’s best interest. The Grand Canyon is our state’s signature landmark.

But the issue is much bigger that any one state. The Canyon is a natural wonder of national importance.

As part of the National Park system, it belongs to every American.

That’s why President Obama should permanently prevent new uranium mining around the park using the same executive authority under the Antiquities Act that Theodore Roosevelt used to bring the Grand Canyon itself under public protection.

Why Obama must act

The course of action is outlined in a proposal by Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva. His Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument plan makes permanent a 20-year moratorium on new uranium claims that was put in place in 2012.

Grijalva’s plan is unlikely to make it through a Republican controlled Congress in an election year, which is why Obama needs to act.

The uranium mining moratorium is temporary and subject to change in a new presidential administration. Making it permanent protects aquifers and streams near the Colorado River from possible radioactive contamination from mining activity.

The 1.7 million acres that would become a national monument under the plan are currently publicly owned and under federal management.

That won’t change.

Earth to critics: It's already federal land

A management plan would be written with the participation of interested parties – including ranchers, hunters, tribes, local communities, outdoor enthusiasts and land managers.The proposal specifies that access, hunting, grazing and timber management will continue -- and Obama can make that very clear in his designation.

These facts need to be acknowledged by opponents of the plan.

Last month, all the current members of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, as well as some former members, sent a letter to Obama asking him not to designate the monument. They worried about possible changes in land management.

Their letter dismissed concerns about uranium contamination by pointing to the moratorium, and suggesting that “safe technology” might allow for uranium mining near the Canyon in the future.

Permanent protection is better.

Land needs permanent mining protection

Opposition also comes in a policy brief from the Arizona Chamber Foundation and the Prosper Foundation, which calls the monument proposal a move to “designate another 1.7 million acres of Arizona as federal land.” No. It's already federal land.

The brief also says monument designation would erode the concept of multiple-use on this federal land. But only new mining claims would be restricted, and that use is currently banned by the temporary moratorium.

The paper argues in favor of local control, but the uranium mining that could threaten the Canyon would be governed by federal law. A permanent federal prohibition is necessary.

The policy brief carries the names of some heavy hitters, including Republicans Gov. Doug Ducey, Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake, as well as Republican Reps. Paul Gosar, David Schweikert, Matt Salmon, Trent Franks and Republican state legislative leadership. Also listed in opposition are the National Rifle Association, the Arizona Mining Association and a number of hunting and fishing interest groups.

The document says the plan would “lock” the 64,000 acres of State Trust land and 22,000 acres of private land that are within the proposed boundaries “under federal control.”

These state and private in-holdings are currently within federal land. The ownership won’t change.

The proposed monument is simply a buffer on federal land to assure uranium mining does not endanger the Grand Canyon.

Roger Clark of the Grand Canyon Trust said a soon-to-be-released poll done for the organization found 80 percent support for protecting the lands around the Canyon. Support was strong across political parties and demographic groups, the poll found.

The Canyon’s value to Arizona is tangible.

According to the National Park Service, more than 4.7 million people visited the Grand Canyon in 2014, contributing an estimated $509 million to local communities surrounding the park.

Of course, the Canyon’s full value cannot be measured in cold cash or reduced to politics or special interests.

The Canyon deserves the protection for its inherent worth as a natural wonder of international significance. It needs to be surrounded by a national monument.

By:  Linda Valdez
Source: AZ Central