Opinion Pieces


Carbon emission policy could slash debt, improve environment

by Reps. Henry Waxman, Ed Markey, Sherwood Boehlert, and Wayne Gilchrest

Democrats Henry A. Waxman and Edward J. Markey represent California's 30th District and Massachusetts's 7th District, respectively, in the House of Representatives. Republicans Sherwood Boehlert and Wayne Gilchrest formerly represented New York and Maryland districts, respectively, in the House. At the end of this year, the United States will confront a trifecta of difficult fiscal challenges: The Bush tax cuts will be set to expire; the defense budget and spending on civilian programs will fac… Continue Reading


Drill here, sell there, pay more

by Rep. Ed Markey

It might surprise Americans to learn that in 2011, our nation's No. 1 export was our fuel. That's right. For the first time in 62 years, since Harry Truman was president, the United States was a net exporter of oil products. An estimated $88 billion worth of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and other petroleum products was sent to overseas markets last year. Meanwhile, the price of gasoline is up 37 cents per gallon compared to a year ago, according to AAA. Consumers are now being tipped upside down… Continue Reading


The Grand Canyon: Not for Sale

In the late 1960s, the daredevil Evel Kneivel lobbied the United States Government to jump over the Grand Canyon on his motorcycle. Believe it or not, jumping over the Grand Canyon has now become the second-craziest idea ever proposed about our nation's most iconic natural feature. That is because the Republican plan to give away land around the Grand Canyon to Russian uranium mining interests is the first. In an effort to solidify their standing as the worst environmental Congress in history,… Continue Reading


US News & World Reports: Time to Close Deficit by Ending Handouts to Big Oil

by Rep. Ed Markey

Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a shortsighted proposal that would benefit big oil companies and not the American economy. There is an age-old saying: When you are in a hole, stop digging. But as Congress looks for new ideas to reduce our national deficit, there sit the Republicans, shovel in hand, hoping to resuscitate an old idea, drilling in the ANWR. The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or the "supercommittee," has been charged with reducing our deficit by at … Continue Reading


Huffington Post: Driven to Change

by Rep. Ed Markey

President Obama and U.S. automakers have announced the latest phase of fuel economy standards, moving to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. This big win for consumers will result in a total savings of 3.5 million barrels of oil a day by 2030 compared to what we would have used before my 2007 law to increase fuel economy standards was implemented. These fuel efficiency standards strike at the heart of the oil cartel that has held America in a stranglehold for decades -- restricting our economic grow… Continue Reading


The Hill: Republicans trying to turn back clock on bedrock environmental protections

by Rep. Raúl Grijalva

These days, sitting through hearings on the House Natural Resources Committee means watching environmental standards get rolled back one by one. The House majority has an agenda to repeal decades of conservation progress in this country, and they're not slowing down. My predecessors in this congressional seat, Morris "Mo" Udall (D) and his older brother, Stewart (D), would be shocked at this misguided effort to gut the kind of sensible conservation policies they championed - policies backed by… Continue Reading


The Hill: Lights out for US innovation

by Rep. Ed Markey

Would you trade your flat-screen HDTV for a black-and-white set with aluminum foil rabbit ears? How about swapping your smartphone for a rotary-dial brick? Of course not - but that is what House Republicans would essentially have us do with our light bulbs, by eliminating minimum energy-efficiency standards put into place in a bill signed by President George W. Bush in 2007. Consumer and environmental groups have joined with lighting manufacturers to denounce the move. They know that new com… Continue Reading


National Journal: Tapping Reserve Lowers Consumers' Prices

by Rep. Ed Markey

Enough. That was the clear message President Obama sent last week to OPEC, Big Oil and speculators who have been wreaking economic havoc on the American consumer when he released 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The US was joined by our international partners, including Germany, France, the UK, Japan, and South Korea who also released oil reserves, pushing the total global oil injection to 60 million barrels. This year's gas price shocks have hurt families a… Continue Reading


USA Today: Crack down on speculators

by Rep. Ed Markey

Americans are shackled to an uncompetitive and corrupt global oil market - one that is draining wealth from the U.S. economy at a rate of $1 billion a day. Not everyone is unhappy about this. Big oil companies are posting record profits, while their partners in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) enjoy the benefits of keeping prices high. Last month, Saudi Arabia announced an 833,000 barrel per day production cut, even as crude prices stood at $123 per barrel. This product… Continue Reading


Politico: Safety helps energy independence

by Rep. Ed Markey

Last year, thousands gathered on the National Mall to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Building on historic clean air and water victories, the environmental movement was looking toward clean energy solutions that create jobs and power America's energy future. Little did we know that, 1,100 miles to the south, thousands of feet below the sea floor, our energy past was poised to deliver a deadly blow in the Gulf of Mexico. The 41st anniversary of Earth Day is also the first anniversar… Continue Reading


The Hill: Nuclear safety must be first priority

by Ranking Member Ed Markey

On Tuesday, Japan raised the severity level of its nuclear crisis to a seven, placing the meltdown at Fukushima on par with the disaster at Chernobyl. This tragedy holds both lessons and warnings for the United States. America currently runs 104 nuclear reactors, which generate approximately 20 percent of our electricity. But not a single new domestic reactor has been ordered or permitted in more than 30 years. There is a reason nuclear has stalled, and it hasn't been anti-nuclear protesters -… Continue Reading

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