
Chairman Grijalva Calls On Trump To End Shutdown, Asks American Public To Share Trump Shutdown Stories

Washington, D.C. – Chairman Raúl M. Grijalva today launched a new online tool for Americans to share personal stories of how ongoing government shutdown is impacting their lives. The online platform will enable people across the country to take action and share their experiences of being furloughed, forced to work without pay, turned away from visiting public lands, and how the shutdown has affected them and their communities.

Grijalva called on President Trump to end the shutdown, now entering its 20th day.

“President Trump’s government shutdown is hurting Americans and it has to end now,” said Chairman Grijalva. “The stories of what this manufactured crisis is doing to real people need to be told, and they need to be heard by the president and his supporters. I’ve already been hearing from families suffering because of the president’s inability to lead the country. It’s time end this madness and reopen the government.”

The shutdown will force more than 800,000 federal workers to go without a paycheck this week. Grijalva called on the president and Republican congressional leaders to remember that these are real people with real bills and real families to provide for.

Americans can share their Trump shutdown stories at https://democrats-naturalresources.house.gov/trump-shutdown-stories. Follow the conversation at #MyShutdownStory.

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