
Ahead of DOI Budget Hearing, Grijalva Calls Out House Republicans for Their Inability to Introduce a FY17 Budget of Their Own

As House Republicans continue to delay the unveiling of the FY 2017 budget, the Natural Resources Committee is holding a hearing this morning on the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed budget. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will testify before the Committee on a budget that would restore our national parks, respond to the impacts of climate change on coastal communities, invest in clean energy on federal lands, and help protect sacred Native American sites from land grabs.

While House Republicans continue to fumble on their promise to return to regular order, there are rising doubts over their ability to craft a budget at all – yet another example of House Republicans’ failed leadership. In fact, the last time the House passed a standalone Interior bill was in 2009, when the House was controlled by Democrats.

Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.)shared his frustration with House Republicans inability to work together to introduce a budget, yet openly criticize the Administration’s proposal.

“House Republicans have no budget of their own, and can’t seem to pass individual appropriations bills, but that doesn’t seem to stop them from having loud opinions about the Administration’s proposals. To fail to do your job, and then criticize those who are doing theirs, is worse than lazy; it is hypocritical and irresponsible.

“I applaud the Administration for producing a detailed annual budget request for the entire federal government and was thrilled to see that the DOI proposal is in line with my goals for the Committee. Making meaningful investments in our federal lands, combating the impacts of climate change, ensuring we have clean energy on our federal lands, and financing programs that serve our Native American brothers and sisters are all important investments that help conserve our land and ensure these great natural treasures are around for generations to come.”

The DOI is responsible for the stewardship of 20 percent of the Nation’s lands, oversees the development of 21 percent of the nation’s energy supplies, manages the water supply in 17 western states, and maintains relationships with 566 federally recognized Tribes. The proposed DOI budget, which was released by the Obama Administration last month, would produce more than $10 billion in revenue for American taxpayers and an additional $4.5 billion in earnings. In other words, if Congress enacted the Department’s budget as-is the DOI would pay for itself and close out the fiscal year with a billion dollars in reserves.

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Media Contact: Diane Padilla

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