
Chair Grijalva, Committee Democrats to Introduce Landmark Climate Change Legislation Slashing Emissions From Public Lands and Waters

Washington D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) and several members of the Natural Resources Committee will lead a press conference at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Dec. 10, to unveil their flagship legislation to fight the climate crisis. Members will discuss the legislation’s importance and describe the path it provides to end our public lands’ and waters’ contribution to climate change by 2040.

The landmark bill – authored by Grijalva and cosponsored by a team of Committee members – is the culmination of a year of hearings, roundtables, public forums and other public outreach efforts to learn more about how best to tackle climate change. Since taking the House majority, Natural Resources Committee Democrats have spent much of the past year tackling climate change from every angle.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, climate-harming emissions from public lands account for nearly a quarter of the U.S. total. The new bill seeks to reduce that figure while simultaneously promoting positive climate actions so that the total net contribution of public lands to greenhouse gas emissions is zero by 2040.

In February, the Committee kicked off a historic month of climate change hearings to hear from impacted communities, launched an online platform to hear from the American people about how climate change has impacted them, and held 22 hearings in 2019 focused on climate change to hear from experts, community members, Indian Country, scientists, and advocates.

The feedback gathered through these efforts has consistently underscored the urgent need to limit climate pollution as soon as possible, and to help impacted communities adapt quickly.

The bill is endorsed by multiple stakeholders and public interest advocacy groups, who will provide remarks at the press conference. 


Where: 1324 Longworth House Office Building

When: 12 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Dec. 10



Chair Raúl M. Grijalva

Vice-Chair Deb Haaland (D-N.M.)

Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.)

Chase Huntley, The Wilderness Society

Marissa Knodel, Earthjustice

Aaron Mintzes, Earthworks 

Sharon Buccino, Natural Resources Defense Council


The press conference will be livestreamed on the Natural Resources Committee Facebook Page.

Press Contact

Monica Sanchez, (202) 225-6065