
Chair Grijalva Praises Biden Administration for Restoration of NEPA Community Protections after Trump-Era Deregulation

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on the Biden administration’s “Phase 1” proposal to restore longstanding community protections under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

“The Biden administration’s proposal to restore community protections under NEPA that the Trump administration rolled back is a welcome first step in placing public health needs and the lives of Americans ahead of the profits of corporate polluters. Today’s move begins the process of restoring environmental protections that stood for decades prior to the Trump administration. Restoring these protections is a necessary first step toward even stronger NEPA protections that are needed to improve public input opportunities under NEPA and to better protect communities from polluted air and water, especially those communities that are already overburdened by the cumulative effects of multiple pollution sources. I look forward to continued work with the Biden administration to restore and strengthen our longstanding NEPA protections.”

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