
Chair Grijalva, Rep. Kirkpatrick Signal Serious Concern That Army Corps of Engineers is About to Issue Widely Opposed Mining Permit in South Arizona

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.) today released the following statement on the pending Army Corps of Engineers permit for the Rosemont Mine, which is awaiting federal clearance to operate in Kirkpatrick’s district in Southern Arizona. Both lawmakers just concluded a briefing with the Army Corps, which is set to issue the last remaining permit for the mine.

“We requested today’s meeting to ask for additional information on why the Corps will issue this permit and assess whether Corps officials have fully considered the environmental damage this project will cause. We both believe critical questions remain unanswered, including whether there has been adequate review under the National Environmental Policy Act. After this morning’s conversation, we are concerned that this permit could be issued imminently without full consideration of the facts. We’re going to pursue every avenue to ensure Rosemont is handled transparently, and we will be conducting additional oversight of this project.”

Grijalva and Kirkpatrick called the meeting in part to discuss Rosemont project documents the Committee recently obtained.

Tailings from the Rosemont operation will be dumped on Coronado National Forest land and are expected to damage Cienega Creek, home to the federally endangered Chiricahua leopard frog, among other sensitive species.

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