
Chair Grijalva Statement on Report of Puerto Rican Accounting Firm’s Potential Document Destruction Amidst Calls for Investigation

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on a recent report that BDO Puerto Rico, a financial services and accounting firm with multiple Puerto Rican government contracts, may be shredding documents following his and Rep. Nydia Velázquez’s request for a formal investigation of the firm’s audits and work products.

“The Puerto Rican people are tired of corruption, tired of being taken advantage of, and tired of wrongdoing going unpunished. If BDO Puerto Rico is shredding documents, it doesn’t matter at this point if it’s part of a routine schedule. It must stop now. This is a very precarious moment for the credibility of the island’s government and major institutions. The priority now has to be transparency and integrity.”

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