
Grijalva Launches a New Resource to Anonymously Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Washington, D.C.  – Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, launched a new Tip Line page on the Committee’s website today that encourages federal employees at the U.S. Department of the Interior or other agencies working on environmental issues, government contractors, and the general public to anonymously report wrongdoing within the Trump administration. The need for a whistleblower page became apparent after Committee Republicans on Tuesday voted along party lines to reject amendments to the Committee’s rules and Oversight Plan that would have required the Committee to investigate conflicts of interest or cases of self-dealing within the Trump administration.

“This president and his political appointees still have enormous private business interests and a tendency to play fast and loose with the rules, and the potential for taxpayer ripoffs has never been higher,” Grijalva said. “Everyone who cares about good government and a fair return for the American people should know my door is open. We need everyone to work together to hold this new Republican administration accountable for its actions.

“I strongly urge anyone working under or with this new administration to come forward with any information on unethical activity, as well as risks to the safety or health of the public. President Trump may be a big believer in bluster and intimidation, but I can assure him there are some of us in Congress willing to stand up to him.”

The new Tip Line page is available here: https://democrats-naturalresources.house.gov/contact/tipline.

Press Contact

Diane Padilla

(202) 225-6065 or (202) 306-1333