
Natural Resources Ranking Member Grijalva Statement on Newly Announced Interior Department Rules for Arctic Drilling

This release was originally sent on Feb. 20. It was posted online July 28 to mark the recent Shell requests for Arctic drilling permits.

Tucson, Ariz. – House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on the newly announced Interior Department rules for Arctic drilling.

 "No regulation can make the Arctic safe for drilling. Industry cheerleaders want us to believe that the right mix of technology and government non-interference will turn one of the world's coldest, windiest and most unpredictable areas into the next Gulf of Mexico. Shell has already shown us how unrealistic this scenario is.

"Federal regulators shouldn't encourage more fruitless campaigning or exploration in a region we know needs to be left alone. It doesn't matter what this or any future federal rule says. There should be no drilling in the Arctic."