
Ranking Member Grijalva: GOP Proposal to Limit Climate Standards Through Trade Agreements is “Unacceptable”

Washington, D.C. – As House Republicans prepare to pass Rep. Paul Ryan’s version of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (“the Customs bill”), Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement today on the bill’s unacceptable proposed language prohibiting any climate change regulations in new trade agreements – a measure that would limit what deals negotiated through so-called Fast Track Authority could achieve on climate issues.

“Fast track trade authority is already primed to send jobs overseas, hurt the working people of this country and reduce Congressional oversight of our economy. Now Republicans want to use it to prevent any new climate change standards in our trade deals. Their goals have nothing to do with creating jobs and everything to do with jamming favors for their corporate sponsors into every bill they handle. No one who believes in a stronger American economy, a healthier environment, or a transparent government can support fast track, especially if the Customs bill makes it impossible for us to include climate standards in our trade deals.

“Other developed countries are setting new records for clean energy generation every year. Even some oil industry giants now agree we need to put a price on carbon emissions. And yet too many House Republicans are playing games and fighting battles that our trade partners don’t even take seriously. Fast track is already a bad deal for the American people. If the Customs bill is allowed to pass, it will be an even worse deal for our environment. I wholeheartedly oppose both of these efforts and look forward to working with my colleagues to defeat them.”