
Ranking Member Grijalva on Bundy Militia Member Arrests: “Congress Should Speak Now With One Voice, Prevent Further Violence”

Washington, D.C. – Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), whose Natural Resources Committee oversees the Fish and Wildlife Service and the national wildlife refuge system, released the following statement on last night’s arrest of multiple militia members who had refused to leave Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

On Jan. 6 Grijalva introduced a congressional resolution (H. Res. 575) that condemned the illegal armed standoff at Malheur. The resolution was cosponsored by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and 40 other Democrats. No Republicans have cosponsored the resolution.

“I was saddened to hear of the circumstances of LaVoy Finicum’s death. Local and federal law enforcement agencies have handled a difficult situation with care and professionalism for weeks, avoiding any violence or preemptive efforts. For anyone to lose his or her life in such a needless confrontation is tragic, and I sincerely hope his death is not used as a pretext by any party for further violence. I also hope, and fully expect, that responsible agencies will continue to make clear that this situation can and should end peacefully as soon as possible.

“The past three weeks have seen an unfortunate number of Republicans in Washington suggesting that armed revolt and destruction of public property were simply the result of ‘legitimate grievances.’ We never heard much about the legitimate grievances of the local community that just wanted life to return to normal. Any movement truly claiming to speak in the peoples’ name would have surrendered and left long ago. Now more than ever, my colleagues in Congress should join me in speaking with once voice, calling on the remaining militia figures to surrender and avoid further violence.”

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