
Ranking Member Grijalva Questions Legal Basis of Campaign by New Republican Group to Take Away Federal Control of Public Lands

Washington, D.C. – House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement on the recent formation of the House Republican “Federal Land Action Group.”

“Building on the ideas of extremists like Cliven Bundy, House Republicans have formed a group to explore the idea that if you see a federal resource you like, maybe you can just take it. Hopefully I can save them some time and spare the State of Utah the $12 million the Legislature wants to spend on this. The American people overwhelmingly support keeping our National Parks, Forests, Wildlife Refuges and Public Lands right where they are, open to the public for multiple uses, including hunting, fishing, tourism, grazing and conservation. There is no legal authority to give these lands away to developers and no chance the American people will support such a scheme.”