
Ranking Member Grijalva Statement on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Trial Verdicts

Washington, D.C. – Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement on yesterday’s not-guilty verdicts in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge trial.

“Unlike the Bundys, I respect our system of laws, so I accept this jury verdict. That doesn’t change my personal view, which is shared by most Americans, that they are dangerous extremists spouting unhinged rhetoric and should be disavowed by responsible political leaders everywhere. 

“The Bundys still have to answer for pointing guns at law enforcement officials in Nevada because they don’t want to pay their grazing fees. I hope they are punished for that. I also hope the unarmed folks protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline are treated with similar restraint and have equal access to a fair justice system.”

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