
Oppose H.J. Res 36: Protect the BLM Methane Waste Rule

The Truth About Methane Emissions

Ranking Member Grijalva urges his Democratic colleagues to join him in supporting the BLM Methane Waste Rule:

Claim: “The natural gas industry has delivered a 21 percent reduction in methane emissions since 1990 at the same time as increasing production by 47 percent.”

Verdict: NOPE. Methane emissions from oil and gas fields are up 45% since 1990.

Dear Colleague:

The oil and gas industry has been making the above claim to argue that methane regulations, like the Bureau of Land Management’s Methane Waste Rule, are unnecessary. However, this is nothing but numerical sleight-of-hand designed to mask reality, which is:

Methane emissions from oil and gas fields are up 45% since 1990.

The drop in total methane emissions from the natural gas industry is due entirely to improvements in transmission, storage, and distribution. For producers in the field – the companies doing the actual drilling, and the ones who would be covered by the Methane Waste Rule – methane emissions have been rising steadily.

The Methane Waste Rule is a commonsense, pro-taxpayer, pro-health, pro-environment regulation designed to prevent companies from wasting a valuable resource. The resolution to overturn this rule, H. J. Res. 36, will be debated on the Floor this Friday. Don’t be fooled by the oil and gas industry’s refusal to tell you the whole truth. Oppose H. J. Res 36.


Raúl M. Grijalva

Ranking Member

House Natural Resources Committee