
VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: House Natural Resources Committee Holds Historic Hearing on Climate Change Impacts

Washington D.C. – The House Natural Resources Committee, led by Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), held the first hearing today of a monthlong series on climate change impacts to communities and the need for strong new federal policies. The hearing, titled Climate Change: Impacts and the Need to Act, was the first on climate change in this Committee since June of 2009.

Video highlights from today’s hearing are available below. Witness testimony and Chair Grijalva’s opening statement, among other materials, are available at http://bit.ly/2RJJqmV.

During today’s hearing, two panels provided expert witness testimony on the harm climate change is inflicting on American communities and the natural world. The first panel featured Gov. Roy Cooper (D-N.C.) and Gov. Charlie Baker (R-Mass.), who both spoke about the need for meaningful climate action to protect their respective states from climate change and its impacts on their communities and economies.

Today’s event will be followed by climate change hearings in each of the Committee’s subcommittees throughout the month of February.

As part of Chair Grijalva’s efforts to learn more about how climate change is impacting the American people, he recently launched an online tool for the public to share climate change stories at https://democrats-naturalresources.house.gov/climate-change.

Photos at the Committee Flickr page

The recorded Livestream is available here

Video of Chair Grijalva’s opening remarks

Video of Governor Roy Cooper (D-N.C.)

Video of Governor Charlie Baker (R-Mass.)

Video of Nadia Nazar of Zero Hour

Video of Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.) question and answer session

Press Contact

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