Press Releases

May 2024
70+ Senate, House Lawmakers Call on Biden to Ensure LNG Exports Are Fully in the Public Interest
Following Procedural Embarrassment for Toxic Mining Free-For-All Bill, Grijalva Sends Chair Westerman Letter Opposing Attempts to Bypass Committee
Grijalva Celebrates Expansion of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument
Grijalva Blasts House Passage of Five Pro-Polluter, Pro-NRA Bills, Cheers Procedural Embarrassment for Toxic Mining Bill
At Hearing, Vice RM Kamlager-Dove Praises Interior Secretary Haaland for Bold Climate Action, Calls Out GOP Inaction
April 2024
Ranking Member Grijalva Applauds Biden Administration’s NEPA Updates
Grijalva Cheers Biden Administration Action to Stand with Alaska Native Communities and Protect Arctic Wilderness, Reject Harmful Ambler Road
Grijalva Praises Biden Administration Action to Protect Public Lands, Balance Multiple Uses
Members of Congress, Civil Rights Groups, and Other Allies Call on Justice Department to Denounce Insular Cases
Grijalva Statement on Biden Administration Action to Hold Big Oil Accountable for Offshore Drilling Cleanup Costs
Grijalva, Committee Democrats Applaud Biden Administration’s Oil and Gas Rule to Ensure a Fairer Return for American Taxpayers
Grijalva Cheers Biden Administration Action to Boost Clean Energy Development on Public Lands
Grijalva, Norton Request Comprehensive Review of Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Implementation
March 2024
Grijalva Statement on Biden Administration Action to Finalize Endangered Species Act Rules
Grijalva Applauds Biden Administration Action to Curb Harmful Methane Waste
Opinion | As Big Oil’s Mess in Our Oceans Grows, Their Bonding Requirements Should Too
Ranking Members Grijalva, Huffman, Stansbury Seek Whistleblower Documents Demonstrating Human Rights Violations by Major India Shrimp Supplier
Ranking Member Grijalva Blasts House Passage of Republicans’ Polluters Over People 2.0 Bills
February 2024
Government Watchdog Raises Alarm About Inadequate Decommissioning of Oil & Gas Pipelines and Offshore Infrastructure in Two New Reports
Grijalva Statement on North Atlantic Right Whale Found Dead and Entangled in Maine Fishing Gear
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